Four things you shouldn’t assume about boat insurance

Boat owners in South Carolina can insure their boats with C & H Insurance Associates LLC. We’ll provide you with the insurance coverage you need to enjoy financial protection as a boater. 

It’s important for boaters to be accurately informed about boat insurance considerations.

Here are four things that boaters shouldn’t assume when it comes to boat insurance:

All life insurance policies are the same.

If you’ve never bought life insurance before, you might be surprised at just how much customization is possible on life insurance policies. 

Life insurance policies can differ on a wide range of factors including death benefit amount and term length. That’s why you need to carefully explore your options and decide upon life insurance policy terms that are ideal for your situation. 

Life insurance isn’t needed for those who don’t have any dependents.

A lot of consumers who don’t have any dependents still benefit from life insurance. Business owners are just one example of a type of consumer who can benefit from life insurance without having dependents.

As a business owner, carrying life insurance can help ensure the continued survival of your company if you pass away unexpectedly. This can help protect the livelihood of a business owner’s employees. 

Employer-sponsored life insurance is enough.

It’s fairly common for employers to offer life insurance coverage to their employees. While employer-sponsored life insurance can be helpful, it is often not enough to ensure your dependents’ financial stability if your income is lost. 

Life insurance is only for the wealthy.

Life insurance isn’t a product that is designed for only wealthy consumers. In fact, life insurance is most important for consumers at a more moderate income level who might not have a lot of assets to leave to their dependents if they pass away unexpectedly. 

We Are Here To Help

If you’re ready to insure your boat, call us at C & H Insurance Associates LLC to get a quote. We can sell you an insurance policy to cover your boat in South Carolina.