How Does Flood Insurance Work in South Carolina?

Flooding in South Carolina isn’t uncommon, and when it happens, it can cause financial devastation even after the cleanup. Having adequate flood insurance may help minimize some of the financial blow you can expect, and it may help you avoid losing your home to an unexpected event. At C & H Insurance Associates LLC, we offer comprehensive flood insurance in South Carolina to meet most client needs.

Understanding Flood Insurance

The traditional home insurance policy does not, typically, cover floods or water that enters the home from natural events like thunderstorms or a nearby stream overfilling. In coastal areas, like much of the state, there is a much higher risk of floods occurring, and as a result of that, having flood insurance becomes critical. Typically, mortgage lenders require flood insurance for homes in all areas of the state.

With a policy in place, you have protection in the event that a flood occurs and water enters your home, causing damage. The National Flood Insurance Program recommends most homeowners in the state purchase coverage.

Buying flood insurance from a private company allows you to obtain the level of coverage that fits your needs. Keep in mind that these policies often have a 30-day waiting period. You do not want to wait so long that you cannot get coverage in place before a projected hurricane or serious thunderstorm approaches. Some policies may be able to be put in place sooner.

Let Our Insurance Team Help You Cover Your Home

Investing in flood insurance alone or as a part of your home insurance is something our insurance agents at C & H Insurance Associates LLC can help you with right away. Contact our team to discuss the type and amount of coverage best suited for your needs in South Carolina.